Peers Reviewed Journals

  1. A. Ferdi, S. Benierbah, A. Nakib, Residual encoder-decoder based architecture for medical image denoising, Multimedia Tools and Applications,
  2. F. Keddous, N. Shvai, A. Nakib, Vision Transformers Inference Acceleration based on Adaptive Layer Normalization, To appear, Neurocomputing, 2024
  3. A. Ferdi, S. Benierbah, A. Nakib, Y. Ferdi, A. Taleb-Ahmed,  Quadratic Convolution-based YOLOv8 (Q-YOLOv8) for localization of intracranial hemorrhage from head CT images, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 96, 106611, 2024
  4. F Bougourzi, F Dornaika, A Nakib, A Taleb-Ahmed, Emb-trattunet: a novel edge loss function and transformer-CNN architecture for multi-classes pneumonia infection segmentation in low annotation regimes, Artificial Intelligence Review, vol. 57 (4), pp. 1-35. 2024
  5. S. Mallem, A. Hasnat, A. Nakib, Efficient Meta Label Correction based on Meta Learning and bi-level optimization, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 117 part A, 10557; 2023
  6. L. Souquet, A. Llanza, N. Shvai, A. NakibConvolutional Neural Network Architecture Search  Based on Fractal Decomposition Optimization Algorithm. Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 213 Part A, 118947, 2023
  7. N. Shvai, A. Hasnat, A.Nakib, Multiple Auxiliary Classifiers GAN for Controllable Image Generation: Application to License Plate Recognition, Accepted IET Intelligent Transport System, vol.17(1),  2023
  8. F. Keddous, A. Nakib, Optimal CNN–Hopfield Network for Pattern Recognition Based on a Genetic Algorithm, Algorithms, 15(1), 2022, 11; 
  9. G. Khodabandelou, A. NakibH-Polytope Decomposition-based Algorithm for Continuous Optimization, Information Science, vol 558, pp. 50-75, 2021.(PDF)
  10. A. Hasnat, A. Nakib, Robust License Plate Signatures Matching Based on Multi-Task Learning Approach, In Neurocomputing journal, Elsevier, vol. 440, pp. 58-71, 2021.
  11. L. Souquet, A. Nakib, E-G Talbi, Fractal Decomposition Approach for continuous multi-objective optimization problems, IEEE Access, vol. 8, 167604 - 167619, 2020 (PDF)
  12. N. Shvai, A. Hasnat, A. Meicler, A. NakibAccurate classification for Automatic Vehicle Type Recognition based on ensemble classifiers, In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 21, no 3, pp. 1288-1297, 2020 (PDF)
  13. A. Nakib, L. Souquet, E-G Talbi, Parallel fractal decomposition based algorithm for big continuous optimization problems,  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 133,  pp. 297-306, 2019. (PDF)
  14. A. Ghoumari, A. Nakib, P. Siarry, Evolutionary algorithm with ensemble of strategies based on maximum a posteriori for continuous optimization, Information Sciences, Vol.460, 1-22, 2018. (PDF)
  15. A. Nakib, S. Ouchraa, N. Shvai, L. Souquet, E-G Talbi, "Deterministic metaheuristic based on Fractal Decomposition for large-scale Optimization", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 61, pp. 468-485, 2017 (PDF)
  16. A. Masson-Sibut, A. Nakib, "Real Time assessment of bone structure positions via US imaging", Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (Springer), vol.13(1), 135-145, 2017 (PDF
  17. T-A. Nguyen, A. Nakib, H-N Nguyen, Optimal Distributed Non-local Means filtering for Hybrid Parallel Architecture, Computer methods and programs in Biomedicine, vol. 127, pp. 29-39, 2016.  (code) (PDF)
  18. T. Rohmer, A. Nakib, A. Nafaa, A learning based Resource allocation approach for P2P Streaming systems, IEEE Network, Vol. 29 (1), pp. 4-11, 2015.  (PDF)
  19. R. Menasri, A. Nakib, H. Oulhadj, B. Daachi, P. Siarry, "A trajectory planning of redundant manipulators based on bilevel optimization", Applied math. and Comput., Vol. 250 (1), pp. 934-947, 2015. (PDF)
  20. T. Rohmer, A. Nakib, A. Nafaa, Priori knowledge guided approach for optimal peer selection in P2P VoD systems,  IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 350-362, 2014. (PDF)
  21. M. Arulraj, A. Nakib, P. Siarry, Multicriteria image thresholding based on multiobjective swarm optimization, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8 (3), 131-137, 2014. (PDF)
  22. A. Nakib, B. Daachi, M. Dakkak, P. Siarry, Mobile Tracking based on Fractional Integration,  IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol.13 (10), pp. 2306-2319, 2014. (PDF)
  23. J. Lepagnot, A. Nakib, H, Oulhadj and P. Siarry, A multiple local search algorithm for continuous dynamic  optimization, Journal of Heuristics (JOH), Vol. 19, issue 1, pp. 35-76, 2013. (PDF)
  24. A. Chatterjee, P. Siarry, A. Nakib, R. Blanc, An improved biogeography based optimization approach for segmentation of human head CT-Scan images employing fuzzy entropy.  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25 (8), pp. 1698-1709, 2012.  (PDF)
  25.  A. Nakib, Y. Schluze, E. Petit, Image thresholding framework based on 2D fractional integration and Legendre moments, IET image processing, Vol. 6 (6), pp. 717-727, 2012.(PDF)
  26. A. Nakib, P. Siarry, P. Decq., A framework for analysis of brain MR sequences”,  In Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 36 (2), pp. 152-158, 2012.  (PDF) (code)
  27. M. Dakkak, A. Nakib, B. Daachi, J. Lemoine, Indoor localization method based on RTT and AOA using coordinates clustering,  Computer Networks, Vol. 55 (8), pp. 1794-1803, 2011.  (PDF)
  28. T. Aurboonyawat, R. Blanc, P. Schmidt, M.Piotin, L. Spelle, A. Nakib, and J. Moret, An In Vitro Study of Silk Stent Morphology,  Neuroradiology, vol. 53(9), pp. 659-667,  2011. (PDF)
  29. S. Senova, A. Nakib, J. Hodel, P. Decq, Cinematique de la ligne CA-CP au cours du cycle cardique, Neuroradiologie, vol. 56 (6), pp. 544, 2010.(PDF)
  30.  J. Lepagnot, A. Nakib, H, Oulhadj, and P. Siarry: A new multiagent algorithm for dynamic continuous optimization, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 16-38, 2010. (PDF) (code)
  31. A. Nakib, H. Oulhadj, and P. Siarry: Image thresholding based on Pareto optimization, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.23 (3), 313-320, 2010. IF 2.20 (PDF)
  32. A. Nakib, H, Oulhadj, and P. Siarry: A thresholding method based on Two-dimensional fractional differentiation ”, Image and Vision Computing , Vol. 27 (9), pp. 1343-1357, 2009. (PDF)
  33. A. Nakib, H, Oulhadj and P. Siarry: Fractional differentiation and non-Pareto multiobjecitve optimization for image thresholding, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 22 (2),  pp. 236-249, 2009. (PDF)
  34. A. Nakib, H, Oulhadj and P. Siarry, Non-supervised image segmentation based on multiobjective optimization, Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol. 29 (2), pp. 161-172, 2008. (PDF)
  35. A. Nakib, H. Oulhadj and P. Siarry, Image histogram thresholding based on multiobjective optimization, Signal Processing , Vol. 87 (11), pp. 2516-2534, 2007.  (PDF)