My work was published in different peers reviewed international journals and conferences. The covered topics were:
Optimization (IEEE ACCESS, GECCO, ASOC, Joh, EAAI, IEEE IPDPS (NIDISC), MIC, EA, IEEE CEC, Information Science, ...).
Image processing & computer vision (Pattern recognition, IET image processing, Image and Vision computing, Signal processing, SPIE medical
imaging, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Neuroradiology, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Computer methods and programs in Biomedicine; IEEE ICIP, SPIE
Medical imaging, IEEE ITS, Neurocomputing, ...).
Networks (IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, IEEE Network, IEEE
Trans. on Mobile computing, Computer networks, IEEE SMC, IEEE ISCC, ...)
dblp Amir Nakib